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Malicious Software: Ransomware It Will Cost You

Malicious Software NJ New Jersey

Malicious software is a daily threat that has proven to be costly.  One type of malicious software is Ransomware which uses encryption technologies to encrypt all of your data and holds it hostage.

At this very moment, Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in Los Angeles is experiencing this hostage situation.  All of the hospital’s patient data files and databases have been locked up and encrypted by Ransomware.  The organizations entire computer network has been offline for approximately over a week and patients have been redirected to other area hospitals to be served.  For a measly payout of $3.6 million all the data will be released from captivity.

According to the Cyber Threat Alliance, CryptoLocker 3.0, the leading ransomware package brought in an estimated $325 million in revenues for 2015.  The number of attacks doubled over the previous year.  So what do you think is in store for 2016?

Ask yourself, if malicious software made its way into your network:

  • Can you guarantee protection of your client information, files and data?
  • Can you fully recover your data without paying the ransom?
  • Can you minimize downtime and lost revenue?

If you cannot answer YES to all of the above then our Business Continuity Solution is for you.

With our Business Continuity Solution the answer to all of the questions above is YES.

Give us a call today at 908.688.2444 and let our experts protect your network from the detrimental effects of malicious software.

Call Us Now at 908.688.2444 and Receive a Complimentary Consultation!